Krusell and Smith (1998): Heterogeneous Agent Models with Aggregate Uncertainty

The original Krusell and Smith (1998) algorithm can be implemented with the toolbox, by transforming the optimization problem of the households to a system of first order conditions and complementarity-slackness conditions.

Though the toolbox is not designed for solving the equilibrium of this type of model directly, since the decision problem is characterized by an equation system (the Euler equation

\[u'(c_t) = \beta \mathbb{E}_t[(1-\delta+r_{t+1})u'(c_{t+1})] + \lambda_t,\]

where \(\lambda_t\) is the Lagrange multiplier on the borrowing constraint, and the complementary-slackness condition, \(\lambda_t k_{t+1}=0\)) with state transition functions, it readily fits in the toolbox’s general framework. One just needs an extra fixed-point loop to update the equilibrium object, which can be coded in MATLAB. In Krusell and Smith (1998), the equilibrium objects are the aggregate state transition coefficients.

The model can be solved within 100 lines of GDSGE code plus 100 lines of MATLAB code. We present the heterogeneous-beta version of the model below.

The gmod File and MATLAB File

ks1998.gmod (you also need the file for grid points from Krusell and Smith (1998) points.kgd)

  1% Toolbox options
  4SaveFreq = inf; PrintFreq = 100; TolEq = 1e-5;
  5% Parameters
  6parameters alpha delta phi kMin;
  7alpha = 0.36;   % capital share in production
  8delta = 0.025;  % depreciation rate
  9% phi_k_1 phi_k_0 phi_l_1 phi_l_0; for z in {bad, good}
 10phi = [
 11      0.96053     0.095014            0      -1.2228
 12      0.96072     0.099212            0      -1.1583
 13    ]';
 14% States, use the ones as in Krusell and Smith (1998)
 15var_state kbar k;
 16kbar = [11.1 11.52 11.94 12.36];
 17k = [0,1];      % A place holder, will be overwritten
 18kMin = k(1);    % A place holder, will be overwritten
 19% Shock process in Krusell and Smith (1998)
 20var_shock beta e unemp z z_idx;
 21shock_num = 12;
 22ez_trans = [
 23    0.5250 0.3500 0.0312 0.0938
 24    0.0389 0.8361 0.0021 0.1229
 25    0.0938 0.0312 0.2917 0.5833
 26    0.0091 0.1159 0.0243 0.8507
 27    ];
 28beta_trans = [
 29    0.9950 0.0050 0.0000
 30    0.000625 0.99875 0.000625
 31    0.0000 0.0050 0.9950
 32    ];
 33shock_trans = kron(ez_trans,beta_trans);
 34z_idx_grid = [0, 1];
 35z_grid = [0.99, 1.01];
 36e_grid = [0.00, 0.3271];
 37unemp_grid = [0.07, 0.00];  % unemployement transfer
 38beta_grid = [0.9858 0.9894 0.9930];
 39[beta,e,z] = ndgrid(beta_grid,e_grid,z_grid);
 40[~,unemp,z_idx] = ndgrid(beta_grid,unemp_grid,z_idx_grid);
 41beta=beta(:); e = e(:); unemp = unemp(:);
 42z = z(:); z_idx = z_idx(:);
 44% State transition functions
 45var_interp Evp_interp Ev_interp;
 46initial Evp_interp 1./(k+e+unemp-kMin);
 47initial Ev_interp log(k+e+unemp-kMin);
 48% Update
 49Evp_interp = shock_trans * vp;
 50Ev_interp = shock_trans * v;
 52% Tensor
 53var_tensor kbar_next lbar Y r w budget;
 54% Forecasting rule
 55kbar_next = exp(log(kbar).*phi(z_idx*4+1) + phi(z_idx*4+2));
 56lbar = exp(log(kbar).*phi(z_idx*4+3) + phi(z_idx*4+4));
 57% Interst rate and wage
 58Y = z .* kbar.^alpha .* lbar.^(1-alpha)
 59r = alpha*Y./kbar - delta;
 60w = (1-alpha)*Y./lbar;
 61budget = k.*(1+r) + e.*w + unemp;
 63% Endogenous variables
 64var_policy k_next lambda;
 65inbound k_next kMin budget;
 66inbound lambda 0 1.0;
 67% Other variables out of the block
 68var_aux c vp v l;
 69% Used in simulation
 70var_output c k_next l;
 73  c = budget - k_next;
 74  u_prime = 1/c;
 75  [Evp_future,Ev_future] = GDSGE_INTERP_VEC(shock,kbar_next,k_next);
 76  Evp_future = Evp_future;
 77  euler_residual = -1 + beta*Evp_future/u_prime + lambda;
 78  vp = (1+r)*u_prime;
 79  v = log(c) + beta*Ev_future;
 80  l = e;
 81  equations;
 82    euler_residual;
 83    lambda*(k_next-kMin);
 84  end;
 88  num_periods = 11000;
 89  num_samples = 10000;
 90  initial k 1;
 91  initial kbar 1;
 92  initial shock 1;
 93  var_simu c l;
 94  k' = k_next;
 95  kbar' = k_next;    % A place holder
 98  SimuRslt.kbar(:,GDSGE_t+1) = mean(SimuRslt.k(:,GDSGE_t+1));
 99  SimuRslt.lbar(:,GDSGE_t) = mean(SimuRslt.l(:,GDSGE_t));

The MATLAB file that calls the toolbox codes and manually update equilibrium objects main.m

  1%% Solve the warm-up problems
  2options.k = csvread('points.kgd'); options.kMin = options.k(1);
  3IterRslt = iter_ks1998(options);
  5%% Generate random numbers
  6% Parameters
  7num_periods = 11000;
  8num_samples = 10000; % Need around 8GB to run the simulation
 10% Transition matrix for aggregate shocks
 11shock_trans = IterRslt.shock_trans;
 12% Reduction along the z dimension (beta,e,z) -> (beta',e',z')
 13shock_trans_zp = sum(reshape(shock_trans,[6,2,6,2]),3);
 14z_trans = reshape(shock_trans_zp(1,:,:),[2,2]);
 16% Aggregate shock
 18z_idx = gen_discrete_markov_rn(z_trans,1,num_periods,1);
 19% Idiosyncratic shock conditional on aggregate shock
 20% Permute to (beta,e) -> (beta',e') | (z,z')
 21shock_trans_conditional_on_z = permute(reshape(shock_trans,[6,2,6,2]),[1,3,2,4]) ./ reshape(z_trans,[1,1,2,2]);
 22ind_shock_idx = gen_discrete_markov_rn_with_agg(shock_trans_conditional_on_z, num_samples, num_periods, 6*ones(num_samples,1), z_idx);
 24simuOptions.num_samples = num_samples;
 25simuOptions.GEN_SHOCK_START_PERIOD = num_periods;
 26simuOptions.init.shock = ind_shock_idx + (z_idx-1)*6;
 27simuOptions.init.k = 11*ones(num_samples,1);
 28simuOptions.init.kbar = 11*ones(num_samples,1);
 29simuOptions.EnforceSimuStateInbound = 0;
 31%% Iterate transition coefficients phi
 32phi = [
 33      0.96053     0.095014            0      -1.2228
 34      0.96072     0.099212            0      -1.1583
 35    ]';
 36metric_phi = inf;
 37tol_phi = 1e-4;
 38update_speed = 0.5;
 39iter = 0;
 40while metric_phi>tol_phi
 41    options.phi = phi;
 42    options.WarmUp = IterRslt;
 43    IterRslt = iter_ks1998(options);
 44    SimuRslt = simulate_ks1998(IterRslt,simuOptions);
 46    % Collect samples and run regression
 47    burnPeriods = 1000;
 48    periodIndex = 1:num_periods;
 49    r2_z = zeros(1,2);
 50    rmse_z = zeros(1,2);
 51    phi_new = phi;
 52    for i_z=1:2
 53        periodSet = periodIndex(z_idx==i_z & periodIndex>burnPeriods);
 54        sample_lbar = SimuRslt.lbar(1,periodSet);
 55        sample_kbar = SimuRslt.kbar(1,periodSet);
 56        sample_kbar_next = SimuRslt.kbar(1,periodSet+1);
 57        mdl = fitlm(log(sample_kbar),log(sample_kbar_next));
 59        phi_new(1,i_z) = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(2);
 60        phi_new(2,i_z) = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(1);
 61        phi_new(4,i_z) = log(mean(sample_lbar));
 62        r2_z(i_z) = mdl.Rsquared.Ordinary;
 63        rmse_z(i_z) = mdl.RMSE;
 64    end
 66    iter = iter+1;
 67    metric_phi = max(abs(phi(:) - phi_new(:)));
 68    fprintf('iter, metric_phi: %d, %g\n',iter, metric_phi);
 69    % Update
 70    phi = phi_new*update_speed + phi*(1-update_speed);
 73%% Post analysis
 74disp('Converged transition coefficients (phi_k_1 phi_k_0 phi_l_1 phi_l_0):');
 76% fraction negative wealth
 77sum(SimuRslt.k(:,num_periods)<0) / numel(SimuRslt.k(:,num_periods))
 78% Gini coefficients
 79samplePeriods = num_periods;
 80k = SimuRslt.k(:,samplePeriods);
 81% ginicoeff(k(k>=0)) % Uncomment this to calculate gini if you have ginicoeff routine
 83%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN ENDS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 84function shock = gen_discrete_markov_rn_with_agg(trans,numPaths,lenPath,initShock,aggIdx)
 85% Generate idiosyncratic shocks conditional on aggregate shocks
 86numStates = size(trans,1);
 87shock = zeros(numPaths,lenPath);
 88shock(:,1) = initShock;
 89cumTrans = cumsum(trans, 2);
 90for t=1:lenPath-1
 91    for j=1:numStates
 92        % Find samples that has shock j
 93        idxOfShockJ = find(shock(:,t)==j);
 94        % Fill in numbers based on distribution weights
 95        un = rand(length(idxOfShockJ),1);
 96        % Look up trans_j
 97        [~,shock(idxOfShockJ,t+1)] = histc(un, [0 cumTrans(j,:,aggIdx(t),aggIdx(t+1))]);
 98    end